Our Common Father.

As I read God’s words today to the early church in Rome, I marvel how we are still fighting battles over prejudice.  Even after 2,000 years of God’s church (The salt of the earth and the Light of the world) being able to make a difference in our world, we...

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To Post or not to Post

We are living in challenging times.  There are many things that demand our attention.  Recent events have raised issues from racial profiling, to Covid-19, to politics, just to name a few.  All these subjects inspire strong and differing opinions.  How is a Christian supposed to respond? With lockdown restrictions for...

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No Good Deed…

Life is not fair.  Kindness is not always returned.  There is a quote that is often stated that says, “No good deed goes unpunished.”  David knew this truth all too well.  For years he fled from King Saul who treated David like a traitor though he had only been loyal...

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Faithful Fishers!

As the book of Acts concludes, we read about Paul as he finally arrives in Rome.  This was exactly what Paul had been promised by God in chapter 23, that he would give testimony in Rome.  The example of Paul should inspire all Christians to share Christ at every opportunity. ...

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A New Purpose.

Paul had been told that he would have opportunity to share his testimony before the leaders of Rome. As Paul made his way to Rome, God literally opened opportunities for him to share the Gospel with the leaders of the Empire. In Chapter 26 of Acts, Paul is speaking before...

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It is Necessary!

Paul found himself in a difficult circumstance.  The Jews were desperately wanting to silence his witness, but he was intent on sharing the truth of the Gospel.  In Acts 23 it becomes clear that, in spite of the circumstances that appear to be out of control tossing Paul to and...

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Dual Citizenship

Paul was being falsely accused by his Jewish brothers.  They thought that he had defiled the Temple by bringing a Greek into the inner hall intended only for Jews.  Not only that, but they believed his teaching about Jesus to be against the Law that they so loved and revered. ...

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Waiting on God!

I am an impatient man.  I hate to wait.  I would rather drive an extra five miles out of the way if I can be moving than to sit still waiting four minutes for a train to pass.  I don’t know why I am that way, but it seems like...

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There is a level of intimacy with Jesus that few of us ever discover.  It is not that we aren’t all capable of reaching it; we are.  The problem is we are not all willing to pay the cost to achieve it.  This level of intimacy is only found by...

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Open Doors!

When we first had to close the church doors and go exclusively to virtual church, many were concerned about the effect that would have on the church.  Some speculated that church budgets would be distressed.  Others worried that ministry would cease.  There was a question as to how the gospel...

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