The Horror of Self-Isolation.

Last week the Governor of New York made this comment about the reductions in numbers of New Yorkers in the hospital: “The number is down because we brought the number down.” And emphasized: “God did not do that. Faith did not do that. Destiny did not do that. A lot of pain...

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A Real God for Real Life.

Life comes at us full speed every single day. You never know what life will bring. This morning I was headed to church to do some work, and as soon as I drove to the end of my cul-de-sac, I knew something was wrong.  I looked to turn and saw...

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Every Day Evangelism!

The church was facing severe persecution. The enemies of Christ had now turned their hatred on the church. They arrested all the apostles and threw them in jail. But God sent an Angel who released them from the prison and told them to preach in the temple. As the Sanhedrin...

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Are You Recognizable?

What do people understand about you? As you say greet your neighbors, how well do they know you?  Do they know your favorite sports team?  Do they see that you love to eat?  Do they realize you are concerned about your health, love your family, enjoy a good car, or...

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We are living in a climate where giving is in vogue.  We have many who are very willing to give you their opinion.  Though not always an opinion that is well received, there are plenty of opinions out there, none the less.  Others are giving help to others.  Stories of...

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Today’s Prayer Request For Annie Armstrong.

Dave & Mary Elliff Seattle, Washington When Dave and Mary Elliff left Arkansas, they left family and familiar culture to plant a new church in the Pacific Northwest. “In the South, we have the Bible Belt. In Seattle, people call Roosevelt, the neighborhood where we’re planting, the Metaphysical Belt. 96%...

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Onward Christian Soldiers!

As one reads through the book of Judges, we come to a story at the end of the book that demonstrates just how far from God the people had become.  In a story that mirrors the story of Sodom, we read about the city of Gibeah and its violent sinful...

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Following our King!

Israel was just in its infancy as a nation.  God had given them the Commandments and instructions for how they ought to live.  Moses and Joshua had passed on these commands and reminded them with warnings of what would happen if they failed to honor God properly, yet the people...

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True Intentions!

Manoah and his wife were childless, so Manoah prayed to God for a son.  God decided to answer this prayer, and the Angel of the LORD brought the message to the excited couple.  In celebration they wanted to feed the messenger, but the Angel said, “No, but if you want...

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Repentance Requires Action!

Judges 10:9–16 (CSB) 9 Israel was greatly oppressed, 10 so they cried out to the Lord, saying, “We have sinned against you. We have abandoned our God and worshiped the Baals.” 11 The Lord said to the Israelites, “When the Egyptians, Amorites, Ammonites, Philistines, 12 Sidonians, Amalekites, and Maonites, oppressed you, and you cried...

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