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Advent Devotion – December 10

December 10, 2021

In Psalm 16:11, we read, “You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. (NIV)”  Truly being in the presence of God is a great joy.  There are times that I leave worship feeling as if I was on the top of the world.  There is nothing quite like having a personal encounter with the Living God.

Two-thousand years ago the world was privileged to encounter the living God, in living flesh.   “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. John 1:14 (NIV)”  Jesus was God incarnate.  He walked among us; He taught among us; He Lived among us.  And as Jesus did this He, “made known to us the path of life.”  Jesus told his disciples, “I am the way and the truth and the life. John 14:6 (NIV)” 

Here is the truth of the incarnation of Christ;  not that Christ came to show us the way to God, but to be the way to God.  What a great message to man, that in this tiny baby, lying in a manger, God was revealing to him the path of life!  In the manger we don’t just see the source of joy, we see our joy.  We don’t just see the source of our pleasure.  We see our pleasure.  We don’t just see the source of our life.  We see our life.

As you celebrate Christmas this year, encounter the Living Christ.  And as you live in His presence you will discover the direction,  the wisdom, the  joy, the pleasure, the life, and the God for whom you’ve been searching.  Come to Jesus and receive a Merry Christmas.

Prayer: Father, we come before the presence of your Son and receive the joy of life in Him.  Lord, this Christmas season may we learn the importance of Abiding in Christ.  For in Him we find all for which we seek.  We thank you for making your Son known to us.  And it’s in His Name we pray.  Amen.