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Advent Devotion – December 8

December 8, 2021

“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.”

Matthew 2:10 (KJV)

Have you ever waited for something?  Have you ever searched long and hard for something?  Have you ever desperately sought for something? 

Frustration begins to set in.  You know that what you are looking for is nearby, but you just can’t seem to find it.  The longer you search for it, the more frustrated you become.  Before long, you become desperate.  You are beginning to think that it will never be found.  You begin to lose hope that you will ever find what you are looking for.

That must have been what the Magi felt.  They had seen the star.  They knew that there was a special king somewhere and they longed to see him.  But where could he be?

He wasn’t in the palace where he should be.   King Herod had no idea where he was.  The priests and scribes could only point them in the right direction.  It seemed they would never find him.  Then they saw the star!

The star gave them hope; they knew now that they would find the child.  The star gave them direction; now they had something to guide them on their way.  The star gave them confidence; they seemed to know that they would soon find that for which they were searching.  The star brought them joy, for they knew that the child they were about to find would change their lives.

Today we have seen the Morning Star of heaven.  We have hope; we know now that we will find the happiness that comes from being a child.  As we look to the manger, we see His light.  As we follow Him, we have direction–something to guide us on our way.  We have confidence, for we have found that for which the world is searching.  We have joy, for that which we have found in the manger has changed our lives.