I can remember it like it was yesterday. The previous night, my father had come to our apartment to talk to me. Angela and I had not been at home when my dad had stopped by. When we got home, our friends across the hall let us know that I needed to call my dad. When I called, he told me the news. After more than 20 years of marriage, my stepmother had decided to leave him for another man.
It hit me like a ton of bricks, and I was overwhelmed with sorrow. For myself, yes, but mostly for my dad. As I sat and talked with my dad that day in the basement of his house, he shared with me through tears, “I don’t even know how to pray; I’m just trusting the promise of God that His Spirit will know what to say. This is the promise that my father referred to.
Romans 8:26–27 (CSB)
26 In the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us, with inexpressible groanings. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because he intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
The verse that my father referred to on that day is the one I trust in now. I am flooded with a wave of emotions as I watch what is happening in our country. I struggle with my anger over what has been done and what is being done. I am frustrated by all the finger pointing and seeming lack of desire to search for solutions on the part of our leaders.
One thing is abundantly clear: we are broken, and we need God’s help. That is why I find comfort in the promise of the Spirit. I don’t know how to pray in this situation; it will take a miracle. But we serve a God of miracles, and that is why we pray.
Paul goes on to write, Romans 8:28 (CSB) “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” This verse does not tell us that everything that happens is good. But it promises us that God is working for good even in the worst of circumstances. So as we lift up our inexpressible groanings with the Spirit in prayer, take comfort in knowing that God, even in these uncertain times, is at work.
Dear God, Help us to pray and to trust in the sovereign work that You are doing in our lives. Then help us to join You in Your good work. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Join us for worship on Campus or through live streaming on Sunday Morning, at 10 AM.
Food Cards Needed for NKU International Students
We have 50 international students stranded at NKU (primarily from African nations). There is a need to collect gift cards FOR THESE RESTAURANTS SPECIFICALLY (walking distance to where they are housed with no transportation) to help feed these students: Chipotle, Canes, Chick Fil-A, Ichiban, Subway, Wendy’s, and Meijer. They were supplementing their income to cover food costs at NKU and are now unemployed.
VBS on the Road
We are looking for volunteers to lead and/or host 2-hour day camps in subdivisions around our area during the month of July. If you are interested in teaching or hosting, please contact Bro. Mark. mark@pinerbaptist.org