The Beliefs of Piner Baptist Church:
1. God the Father: God the Father is the first person of the trinity. He is a Spirit and the head of the trinity. He is the beloved Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, He is the personal Father of all believers, and He is fatherly to all. The heavenly Father gives gifts to all men as He pleases and also He receives true worship, praise, and prayer through the one mediator of man—the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. God the Son—Jesus: We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten eternal Son of God who became man. Jesus is the second person of the triune God who was born of a virgin and lived a perfect, sinless life. At age 33, Jesus died on a Roman cross as payment for the sins of man. He arose as the victor over sin, death, and hell and is alive forevermore. He ascended back to the Father and is presently interceding to the Father for God’s children. Jesus is the only Savior of mankind who is willing and able to save and to keep saved all who come by faith to Him. He will come back to earth one day to complete God’s plan of the ages.
3. God the Holy Spirit: We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the triune God. He is at work today in the world to bring people to Jesus. He convicts man of sin, righteousness, and the judgment to come. He is the one that birthed the Church and adds to the Church by bringing about the new birth to repentant believers. He also works in the church to keep her clean, to build her up, to train her in the word of God, and to direct and empower her in doing the work of God in this world. The Holy Spirit performs many other needed works in the lives of people, especially in believers.
2. Lord’s Supper We believe that the Lord’s Supper is one of the two ordinances, the other being water baptism, that Jesus left with His Church to observe. This ordinance has no saving grace, but should be observed by everyone who has been saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord’s Supper is to remind the Church of Jesus’ death until He comes again. This ordinance should be observed with a repentant heart periodically until Jesus comes back for His Church.