Looking to get involved? Check out the opportunities below.
SUNDAY SCHOOL MINISTRY: The mission of Sunday School is to teach sound doctrine and the wise application of the Bible to everyday living. Sunday School is the primary small group people identify with that provides care, ministry, and fellowship in a loving atmosphere. [Key verses: Colossians 3:16, Titus 2:1-5]
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: Our purpose in the children’s ministry is to build a foundation for a relationship with God by teaching children who God is and why we serve and need Him. We use hands on experiences in worship, Bible stories and service to train them, so they may be equipped for a Christian life in a hostile world. [Key verses: Matthew 19:14, Proverbs 22:6]
YOUTH MINISTRY: We are all about youth! Whether it’s through summer camps, Fall or Spring weekend retreats, regular Wednesday night gatherings, Sunday School or single day special events, our goal is to engage students with relevant truth, authentic conversation and practical application which helps to bring them into and develop a deep relationship with their Creator and Savior. Our goal is to encourage, inspire and challenge teens with the truths of God’s Word and His call to real discipleship. [Key verse: 1 Timothy 4:12]
WOMEN’S MINISTRY: By God’s grace, we are women serving women and their needs, both spiritually and relationally. We believe God’s desire for us is to make a connection with the women of Piner Baptist Church and our community at large. Our purpose is to reach out with the love of God by connecting with each other through prayer, Bible study and special events that focus on women and their needs. Our prayer is to bring women into a relationship with Jesus Christ, deepen and grow that relationship with Him, and strengthen our relationships with each other. [Key verse: Philippians 1:3-7a, 9]
SENIOR PIONEERS MINISTRY: The Senior Pioneers ministry exists to provide physical, social, and spiritual support for the Piner Baptist Church senior adults, ages 60 and above. This group usually meets on the first Thursday of each month to share a meal together and fellowship with one another. There are also wholesome activities planned to encourage a sense of community. Prayer and Bible-related devotions are planned for spiritual growth and nourishment through Christian testimonies, singing, devotions, and presentations. The goal is not only to engage these senior adults with ministry, but to encourage their continued engagement with the community at large for God’s glory. [Key verses: 1 Corinthians 12:27; Psalm 55:14]
MUSIC MINISTRY: The purpose of the Music Ministry of Piner Baptist Church is to skillfully use our musical and vocal talents and spiritual gifts to serve the body of Christ by leading others to glorify God through singing, praise and thanksgiving for who He is, and what He has done, is doing and will do. The ultimate goal of this ministry is to facilitate a relationship with Jesus our Lord for every individual that results in one being born again and having new life in Christ that is continually growing.
M.O.R. VISITATION MINISTRY: This ministry is a two-fold ministry of Piner Baptist Church, recognized by many as visitation or outreach. This is a hands-on approach to leading people to a saving faith in Jesus, as well as, tending to the various needs of those who profess saving faith in Christ. This is prayerfully accomplished by personal visits made into people’s homes where the love of God and the Word of God is shared. These willing members of Piner Baptist Church normally go out in groups of two or three in order to make personal contact with people in and beyond our church family. [Key Verses: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-21, Ephesians 4:3]
WELCOME MINISTRY: The Welcome Ministry seeks to show God’s love to every person that enters the doors at Piner Baptist Church by cheerfully greeting, welcoming, engaging, assisting, and informing our guests. This ministry team is available at Sunday services, as well as special services, to meet needs and requests and to offer church information such as bulletins, prayer lists, prayer request cards, and other promotional materials about ministries and events at PBC. We also assist the deacon of the week in providing escorts for visitors to various locations in our church building such as: the worship center, Sunday school classrooms, nursery, basement, and restrooms. [Key verses: 3 John 5-6, Colossians 3:14-17; 4:6]
ENCOURAGING ANGEL MINISTRY: The Encouraging Angel Ministry exist to provide a personal touch to the church body and the community in times of need, as well as times of celebration. The Angels, anonymous members of this ministry team, send uplifting, hand-written cards to refresh and encourage the hearts of others. [Key verse: Philemon 1:20]
MISSION MEALS MINISTRY: The Mission Meals Ministry exists to be the hands of God in providing meals for the church body and community in times of need such as illness, surgery, and death in the family, as well as times of celebrations such as a birth. It is important that the community knows that Piner Baptist Church cares about those in need. [Key verse: Psalm 104:27-28]
HANDMADE BLESSINGS is a group that meets monthly, usually on Monday nights. While the primary focus has been making handmade items for use in the Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes, this is an evolving ministry, and our desire is to use the skills and talents of each participant, whatever they may be, to serve and minister to our community. For those who are willing, the Lord can and will use every gift He provides His servants as a means to worship Him. The only requirement is a willing spirit! [Key verse: Exodus 31:6]
FLEA MARKET MINISTRY: The Flea Market Ministry exists to glorify God and reach people for Jesus. This is a ministry of reconciliation, ministering to saved and lost individuals on various levels. Direct approaches are employed in this ministry in taking the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world through tract distribution and conversational evangelism. Creative outreach methods such as giving out candy, balloons, and bread are used to attract people who walk by the ministry booth. This ministry is active weekly on Saturday and Sunday in Richwood, Kentucky at the Flea Market building. Additionally, this ministry provides a wonderful opportunity to get saved people involved and trained in the work of the Lord [Key verse: John 3:16]
JAIL MINISTRY: The Jail Ministry exists to glorify God and reach people for Jesus. We minister to men and women who are incarcerated in the Hamilton County Ohio jail system and the Campbell County Youth Detention Center by leading Sunday morning prayer and worship services. Jesus, the Son of God, is able to set the captive free and these people are in jail as proof that mankind is in bondage to sin and need the Savior. We present to them the message of salvation that has the power and potential to set them free from sin, Satan, death and hell. When we minister to them we are ministering to Jesus. [Key verses: Matthew 25:37 – 40, John 8:34-36]
FIRE DEPARTMENT CHAPLAINCY MINISTRY: The Fire Department Chaplaincy Ministry exists to assist the fire department personnel in our community by helping meet the needs of local people affected by community emergencies; whether the needs are physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. This ministry team seeks to be available to the Fire Department personnel for emergency calls they respond to, providing help and support as needed. Additionally, we seek to offer prayer and Biblical counsel afterwards to the victims and the volunteers of the Fire Department and to help promote their objectives. [Key verse: I Corinthians 9:22b]