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Advent Devotion – December 17

December 17, 2021

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:13-14 (KJV)

The Angels came to the Shepherds with a wonderful Message.  Yes they were praising God and giving Him the Glory He so richly deserved.  But their voices of Praise were motivated by something deeper, something new, something wonderful.


Peace on the earth!

What a wonderful blessing.  The coming of Christ.  The coming of Immanuel.  The coming of “God with us!”  Was the coming of Peace!

But not temporary Peace like that which results from man’s efforts.  This child had come to bring a peace for which, “ there shall be no end.” Isaiah 9:7 (KJV)

Peace comes from the  word eiro(i ro) which means to join.  And that is exactly why Christ had come into this world, to join man once again with God.  It had been there before a relationship that was personal and intimate.  But sin had brought separation.  And Peace was gone.

But now what man was unable to accomplish God made possible through the gift of a special package wrapped in swaddling clothes.  Jesus, God’s own Son, opened the door for man to once again be joined together with his creator.

As we celebrate Christmas let us celebrate the Prince of Peace who gives us the chance to be united with our Heavenly Father and be joined together as one.  For when we discover the fellowship of His presence we truly have discovered, Peace.