November 30, 2021
“A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham:” Matt 1:1 (NIV)
Do you have any skeletons in your closets? Do you have some relatives in your lineage that you are not necessarily proud of? Are there some things in your family’s background that you’d just assume nobody knew about?
As we look at Jesus’ family tree, we see some interesting names in that group. Rehoboam was such a ruthless king that the Kingdom of Israel rebelled against him and split under his rule. Ahaz sacrificed his own son in fire to false gods. Manasseh desecrated the temple, practiced sorcery, and worshipped the stars. The list goes on. Rahab was a prostitute. Even David committed adultery and murder. And Abraham risked giving his wife to other men to preserve his life.
Not exactly a heritage we would be proud of. Most politicians would withdraw from the race for president with such a blemished history in their past, for fear of these things being plastered all over the papers and magazines of the world. Yet God preserved this list for all of history by having it written down in His Holy Word. Why?
Because it stands as a testament of God’s grace and mercy. It reinforces the truth that God is a God of forgiveness. It is a reminder that God can work through us and overcome our weaknesses when we surrender to His Lordship. Rahab, the prostitute, surrendered to God and protected Israel’s spies when they came to Jehricho. And God rewarded her with a place of honor in the family tree of Jesus. David was a man after God’s own heart. And God blessed him with a cherished position as an ancestor of the Christ. Abraham was the father of the faith and was blessed with the blessing of the promise of Messiah who would be a blessing for all people.
Look at the genealogy of Christ and remember the forgiveness that is found in Him. Be reminded of the grace and mercy that God offers. Realize the life-changing power of God and recommit yourself to His service. And fulfill your roll as a child of God. Now that’s a heritage we can all live with!