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Advent Devotion – November 28

November 28, 2021

“He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.” 1 Peter 1:20 (NIV)

If you don’t think Christmas is important, think about this: that first Christmas was planned before anything else was made. Before the first, “Let there Be…!” was spoken, the first Angel was practicing his “Fear Not!”.  Before the first ray of light burst through the darkness,  the Glory of the Lord was set to shine in the Bethlehem night.  Before the waters separated from the land, God decided His Son would be separated from heaven. Before the first tree was planted, God determined the Tree of Life would become a man.  Before the Lights of the sky were set in place, God resolved to send the Light of the World to earth.  Before the first bird set flight, the flight to Egypt was booked.  Before livestock were created, their feeding trough was reserved for His bed.  Before Man and Woman became one flesh, God foreordained that the Word would become flesh.  Before the birth of the Universe, the Birth of Jesus had been planned.

So as you rush to finish your Christmas plans before the big day, as you complain about your hectic schedule, as you wonder whether Christmas is worth all the fuss, look back to that first Christmas.  Remember all the plans that were made.  And thank God that He made such a fuss!