April 2, 2021
Matthew 27:54 (CSB)
54 When the centurion and those with him, who were keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they were terrified and said, “Truly this man was the Son of God!”
What a difference three hours can make. Jesus made an impact on those who encountered Him. Those who crossed paths with Jesus always left different.
10 Lepers were healed of their illness and were restored in their relationships with their families. The Gerasene demoniac had a legion of demons cast out and was filled with a passion for the gospel. The 5,000 had their bellies filled and saw firsthand the Bread from Heaven.
Others rejected the message. The rich young ruler left Jesus extremely sad because of his love of money. The Pharisees, Priests, and Sadducees filled with their own lust for power,plotted to kill Jesus.
Then there were those who embraced the person of Jesus and His message. Those who became His followers. There were his disciples who left everything behind to follow him only to fail him on the night of his betrayal. There were the group of women who had been delivered from demons and illness who supported Jesus in His ministry and stuck with him even to the Cross.
And then there was the Centurion who had the responsibility to guard Jesus on the cross. The one who drove the nails in his hands, gambled for his clothing, mocked him with a sign declaring Jesus, “King of the Jews.”
And now at His death this hard-hearted Centurion declared, “Truly this Man was the Son of God!”
What a difference three hours can make.
Dear God, help us to Jesus for who He really is. The Son of God. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.