April 1, 2021
Mark 14:22–24 (CSB)
22 As they were eating, he took bread, blessed, and broke it, gave it to them, and said, “Take it; this is my body.” 23 Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank from it. 24 He said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.
On the night of Jesus’ betrayal, he instituted a new covenant. In mere hours Jesus would seal this covenant with his own blood. In the upper room he instituted the Lord’s Supper to remind us of the new covenant he was providing through the shedding of his own blood.
A new covenant was needed because the old covenant was insufficient to save completely. Regular sacrifices were offered annually for the forgiveness of sins. But Jesus instituted a new covenant. In Hebrews 9:13–15 (CSB) we read this explanation,
13 For if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a young cow, sprinkling those who are defiled, sanctify for the purification of the flesh, 14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, cleanse our consciences from dead works so that we can serve the living God?
15 Therefore, he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called might receive the promise of the eternal inheritance, because a death has taken place for redemption from the transgressions committed under the first covenant.
Today we celebrate the institution of the new and final covenant that saves completely those who place their faith in Jesus Christ.
Dear God, we thank you for the precious blood of Jesus Christ which seals the new covenant and saves eternally all who come by faith. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.