December 1, 2020
Not what we called it when I was a kid. Christmas lists, Santa Claus, off school, play all day. Nativity scenes declared it was about Jesus, but I thought it was about St. Nick. Hearts and minds alive with expectation of the toys I wanted. (the cost didn’t matter) But mom didn’t carry the same vision. Presents wrapped perfectly because they were hiding the perfect treasure. Christmas morning opening of the gifts revealed not the treasures of my list. They included school supplies, underwear, t-shirts, socks, shoes and the next size of clothing you would be growing into. Mom’s motto, you get what you need, not always what you want.
Advent – the Savior, Jesus on Christmas morning wrapped in throw away clothes under a star came into the world to provide the gift most needed. God’s motto, you get what you need, not always what you want. All mom’s presents worn out and are gone. God’s gift of Jesus (one size fits all) exactly what I needed and never wears out. The gift I use every day. Do you know the gift of God? John 4:10
Don Schwartz