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It is Necessary!

Paul found himself in a difficult circumstance.  The Jews were desperately wanting to silence his witness, but he was intent on sharing the truth of the Gospel.  In Acts 23 it becomes clear that, in spite of the circumstances that appear to be out of control tossing Paul to and fro from group to group, God is clearly intervening at every turn directing Paul’s journey for the purpose of God.

Shortly after being pulled to safety again by the Roman commander from the violent mob of Jews wanting Paul’s life, Jesus meets Paul with these words of comfort, Acts 23:11 (CSB)

11 The following night, the Lord stood by him and said, “Have courage! For as you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so it is necessary for you to testify in Rome.”

From that point on, Luke wants the reader to understand that everything that happens in Paul’s life is under the Sovereign control of God.  Paul’s nephew hearing the plan for the murder plot of forty Jews who took an oath to kill Paul, the commander providing armed protection to Felix, and Felix’ willingness to hear Paul’s case are all evidence of the protective hand of God to bring Paul’s testimony to Rome.

In the same way, we must realize that God has placed us in this moment in time to be used by God for His kingdom purposes.  The Covid-19 crisis did not sneak up on God by surprise.  And God has a purpose for each and every one of His followers.  “It is necessary for you to testify”.  The word necessary carries this meaning in the Greek, “it is a must, it is necessary, to have to, often implying inevitability, often as in the plan of God.” [1] Swanson, J. (1997). Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Greek (New Testament) (electronic ed.). Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

How is God wanting to use you to fulfill His Kingdom plan?  We are living in a time of opportunity like no other.  During this time of uncertainty, many are searching for answers and a reason for hope.  Scripture states that it is the responsibility of all believers, 1 Peter 3:15 (CSB) “In your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.”

Are you doing what is necessary?

Dear God, help me to clearly see how you want to use me to fulfill your purposes in my life.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Guidelines for Worship

The Guidelines for worship have been sent to members via e-mail.  We will resume Sunday Morning Worship on May 24th.  On Wednesday May 20th we will have a special Worship at 7 PM to work through the process of using these guidelines. 

VBS on the Road

We are looking for volunteers to lead and/or host 2-hour day camps in subdivisions around our area during the month of July.  If you are interested in teaching or hosting, please contact Bro. Mark.  mark@pinerbaptist.org

Please complete the Survey concerning attendance that has been sent via e-mail and posted on Facebook.