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Open Doors!

When we first had to close the church doors and go exclusively to virtual church, many were concerned about the effect that would have on the church.  Some speculated that church budgets would be distressed.  Others worried that ministry would cease.  There was a question as to how the gospel message would continue to be shared.

Difficult times threaten to overwhelm us in the moment, but what we often discover is that the crisis we face is the Spirit’s way of expanding God’s kingdom.  In the last two months we have seen the giving to the church increase! God opened new doors for ministry as we have helped to feed 11 families in our area, and this ministry is likely to expand as schools close for the summer.  Viewership for our Sunday worship has grown, and on any given Sunday we have more guests worshipping with us than would visit on our campus. 

This is the same work of the Spirit of God that we observe over and over in Acts.  God seemingly turns every obstacle into a greater opportunity.  Today’s text is found in, Acts 19:8–10 (CSB) “Paul entered the synagogue and spoke boldly over a period of three months, arguing and persuading them about the kingdom of God. But when some became hardened and would not believe, slandering the Way in front of the crowd, he withdrew from them, taking the disciples, and conducted discussions every day in the lecture hall of Tyrannus. 10 This went on for two years, so that all the residents of Asia, both Jews and Greeks, heard the word of the Lord.”

Paul had been sharing the Gospel faithfully in the synagogue in Ephesus.  And there was a little bit of progress occurring.  Then it seemed that the door was slammed shut.  Instead, the door was swung wide open.  Paul took the message to the streets, and for two years the gospel was shared, “So that all the residents of Asia, both Jews and Greeks, heard the word of the Lord.”

For two months, the doors of Piner Baptist Church have been shut, but the opportunities to shine Christ have never been greater.  Now as we near the opportunity to begin meeting again on a limited basis, we must take care not to forget the lessons that God has been teaching us for the past two months.  Let us look even harder for opportunities to shine Christ.  Seize every opportunity to share the gospel.  Reach out to all your neighbors and continue to invite them to worship either on campus or online.  But may we never go back to being satisfied with a church that worships behind closed doors.

Dear God, swing wide the doors of opportunity as we live in our communities as the church dispersed into a world starving for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Guidelines for ReEntry on May 24th

Please watch the posted video and read the Guidelines for when we begin On-Campus Worship on May 24th

Attention All PBC Kids:
Every Tuesday night at 7 pm, we will be having Sunday School for kids in Kindergarten through 5th grade.  Join Carol Jo Taylor on Zoom for Sunday School.  Contact Carol Jo if you need the link. 

Also, all kids are invited to a Biblical Storytime with Carol Jo on Sunday nights at 6 pm on Piner Baptist Church Facebook Live.

VBS on the Road

We are looking for volunteers to lead and/or host 2-hour day camps in subdivisions around our area during the month of July.  If you are interested in teaching or hosting, please contact Bro. Mark.

Items for Food Collection

Cans of Beef Stew                                                            Applesauce Cups/Fruit Cups
Cans of Tuna or Chicken                                                Peanut Butter and Jelly
Tuna Helper/Hamburger Helper                                Loaf of Bread
Cans of Soup                                                                      Bag of Apples or Oranges
Cans of Vegetables or Baked Beans                          Potatoes (Bagged or Boxed)
Mac/Cheese                                                                      Saltine Crackers
Cans of Ravioli/Spaghettios                                         Pancake Mix/Syrup        
Pasta of Any Kind                                                             Cookies/Little Debbie Cakes
Spaghetti Sauce                                                                Granola Bars/Nutri Grain Bars
Rice-A-Roni/Noodle-Roni/Stuffing                            Cheese or Peanut Butter Crackers
Box of Cereal                                                                     Pudding Cups
Oatmeal Packets                                                              Individually wrapped snacks or cookies