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The last two months have taught us a great deal about ourselves.  I share the beginning of a poem written by Sarah Bourns. It reads:

by Sarah Bourns
We’ve all been exposed.
Not necessarily to the virus
(though maybe…who knows)
We’ve all been exposed BY the virus.

Corona is exposing us.
Exposing our weak sides.
Exposing our dark sides.

As you reflect on your life and the inconveniences that you have suffered through over the last two months, what has the Corona Virus exposed about you?  Have you considered the impact of your words said in front of your children as you spewed out your frustration?  What have the words you posted on Facebook or the thoughts you’ve Tweeted on Twitter revealed about you? How are the jokes about those who disagree with you exposing the darkness and hatred in your heart?

I was confronted about that recently as I sat with my family at the dining room table and asked, “Why do we feel the need to mock those we disagree with?” What I considered a harmless joke revealed a depth of resentment that was real.  Another lesson taught by God through one of my children.

In Acts 16 we read an amazing story about Paul and Silas.  They had been called by God to go to Macedonia to preach.  The journey took them to Philippi.  They were there for several days, and one day Paul cast the demon out of young slave girl who was able to predict the future.  This caused the slave girl to lose her ability to predict the future, and the owners turned the crowds against Paul and Silas. 

Before long the city was near a riot and the city officials had Paul and Silas arrested,  Acts 16:23–25 (CSB) “After they had severely flogged them, they threw them in jail, ordering the jailer to guard them carefully. 24 Receiving such an order, he put them into the inner prison and secured their feet in the stocks.”  It was what happened next that was really amazing.  “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.

Imagine being called by God to go somewhere. Obediently you go. You suffer persecution, are beaten, and are even thrown into prison. I’d imagine that praying and praising God would not be at the top of our to do list.  But Paul and Silas teach us an invaluable lesson. 

How we respond in a crisis reveals the depth of our relationship with Jesus.

What have your actions over the last two months revealed about the depth of your relationship with Christ?

Jesus, draw me ever nearer, As I labor through the storm. May this journey bring a blessing. May I rise on wings of faith; And at the end of my heart’s testing, With Your likeness let me wake. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

(Lyrics by Keith and Kristyn Getty)

Items needed for Food Collection Week of May 4-8


Pop Tarts


Granola Bars/Fruit Snacks

Packs of Cookies

Peanut Butter


Canned Vegetables

Tuna/Tuna Helper

Pancake Mix

Dinty Moore Stew/Ravioli

Chef Boyardee Pizza Kits

VBS on the Road

We are looking for volunteers to lead and/or host 2-hour day camps in subdivisions around our area during the month of July.  If you are interested in teaching or hosting, please contact Bro. Mark.

Grace Marriage

These sessions are offered as home studies that you can do with your spouse strengthening your marriage.  I urge you to take advantage of this free resource.

Hey everyone!  We want to serve your marriages and your families during this time.  We realize that you are enduring stress, anxiety and uncertainty.  In an effort to help you draw closer to Jesus and one another, we are providing you virtual sessions to do together that will help your marriage and family. These sessions are specifically designed to help you navigate your marriage during this time of quarantine. 

Please contact Bro. Mark if you are interested in accessing this free resource.