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Fervent Prayer!

This morning I awoke with a prayer request that was being shared for a friend.  I was encouraged and comforted as I saw many people responding, assuring the one who shared the request that prayers were being prayed. 

In Acts the situation was dire.  King Herod had already killed James, and when he saw that it pleased the Jews, he determined to kill Peter, too.  He had Peter arrested during Passover.  There were four squads of four soldiers assigned to guard Peter.  But Luke writes, Acts 12:5 (CSB) “ So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was praying fervently to God for him.”

Is there any greater hope than that?  Peter was being kept in a High Security Prison surrounded by guards by a King that had already executed James.  But what was Peter doing?  Acts 12:6 (CSB) “ When Herod was about to bring him out for trial, that very night Peter, bound with two chains, was sleeping between two soldiers, while the sentries in front of the door guarded the prison.”

How could Peter sleep with certain death waiting for him the next day?  “The church was praying fervently to God for him.”  The word fervently communicates heart felt, continuous, earnest prayers. 

Miraculously God responded to the prayers and Peter was delivered from prison.  The lesson is obvious: when we pray fervently to a great God, anything is possible.  Jesus encouraged his disciples, John 16:24 (CSB) “Until now you have asked for nothing in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.”

When is the last time that you prayed fervently? God is waiting to do great things.  Perhaps the only thing standing between our church and a miraculous work of God is our fervent prayer.

Dear God, thank you for your promise to hear our prayers.  Help us to be faithful in our prayers. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Items needed for Food Collection Week of April 27-30


Canned Vegetables

Pop Tarts


Dinty Moore Stew

Canned Chicken Breast

Loaves of Bread

Peanut Butter

Granola/Snack Bars

Microwave Popcorn

Saltine Crackers

VBS on the Road

We are looking for volunteers to lead and/or host 2-hour day camps in subdivisions around our area during the month of July.  If you are interested in teaching or hosting, please contact Bro. Mark.

Grace Marriage

These sessions are offered as home studies that you can do with your spouse strengthening your marriage.  I urge you to take advantage of this free resource.

Hey everyone!  We want to serve your marriages and your families during this time.  We realize that you are enduring stress, anxiety and uncertainty.  In an effort to help you draw closer to Jesus and one another, we are providing you virtual sessions to do together that will help your marriage and family. These sessions are specifically designed to help you navigate your marriage during this time of quarantine. 

Please contact Bro. Mark if you are interested in accessing this free resource.