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A Day Late

When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body.”  Mark 16:1(NIV)

Have you ever heard the saying, “A day late and a dollar short”?  That phrase is accurate for this story.  Time had run out.  The rush had been on to get Jesus’ crucified body into a tomb before sunset and the start of the Sabbath.  There had been no time for the women to anoint the body of Jesus before His burial, so they determined to do it early Sunday morning.

After sunset on the Sabbath, they went and bought the necessary spices so they could set out early the next morning.  But they were spices that would never be needed.  It was an investment that was unnecessary.  As J. Vernon McGee states, “It was not Mary of Bethany that wasted her ointment, but these women.”

These women failed to understand what most of us do when it comes to Jesus.  He is a God of the present.  He is I AM.  That is the power of the name Jesus.  Mary of Bethany had been on time.  The only way to keep up with Jesus is to go when the Spirit says, “GO!”  Jesus said of Mary, “When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial.  I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”’ Matthew 26:12-13(NIV)

This is not a criticism of this wonderful act of love by these ladies who went to the tomb.  They had been there at the cross.  They had watched the burial of Jesus.  And they were committed to anointing the body of Christ, even after the body had been dead for a day and a half.  Their love is to be commended; their timing was just a little off. 

The urgency of the Gospel is nowhere more clearly displayed than in the containers full of spice after an empty tomb and a Resurrected Lord.  Time is running out.  Don’t keep the sweet ointment of the Gospel hidden inside your vessel.  Pour it out on all you meet.  Don’t be caught a day late and a dollar short.

Prayer:  Dear God, today we are aware that Your return is as sure as Your resurrection.  Help us to make the most of whatever time we have left to share the good news of Your Gospel with the world.  Help us to empty our vessels while there is still time.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Easter Sonrise webcast at 7:30 a.m.

Easter Sunday School Zoom Rooms 8:45 a.m.

Easter Sunday webcast 10 a.m.

Food for Piner Families

As part of our ongoing efforts to assist families in the Piner area with food needs, and as the needs increase through this crisis, we would like to implement a new collection process.  We are going to begin a “food pantry” and will assemble weekly boxes of food.  As you do your weekly shopping, and as you are able, please look for any of the following items:

Cans of Beef Stew                                                               Applesauce Cups/Fruit Cups
Cans of Tuna or Chicken                                                   Peanut Butter and Jelly
Tuna Helper/Hamburger Helper                                       Loaf of Bread
Cans of Soup                                                                        Bag of Apples or Oranges
Cans of Vegetables or Baked Beans                                Potatoes (Bagged or Boxed)
Mac/Cheese                                                                          Saltine Crackers
Cans of Ravioli/Spaghettios                                             Pancake Mix/Syrup           
Pasta of Any Kind                                                               Cookies/Little Debbie Cakes
Spaghetti Sauce                                                                   Granola Bars/Nutri Grain Bars
Rice-A-Roni/Noodle-Roni/Stuffing                                Cheese or Peanut Butter Crackers
Box of Cereal                                                                       Pudding Cups
Oatmeal Packets                                                                  Individually wrapped snacks or cookies

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE for participating in this ministry!  Please drop off your donations to the church by Wednesday, so we can sort for delivery by the school resource officer on Thursday.  If you would prefer to donate and let others do the shopping, there are volunteers to help with that.