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Love VS Hate!

For this week we will examine the final week of Jesus’ life as Jesus makes His way to Calvary.  A week worth remembering.

“No one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions.”  Matthew 22:46(NIV)

Questions!  Children have a lot of questions.  Children ask questions all the time.  They are on a mission to discover, and they do it by asking questions.

Questions!  The Sadducees and Pharisees had a lot of questions.  They asked questions of Jesus all the time.  They were on a mission to entrap, to discover a way to discredit Jesus—and they sought to do it by asking questions. 

But Jesus could not be trapped.  Every time they jabbed, He ducked and counterpunched.  Every time they punched, Jesus would block it and get them with a right hook.  Finally, when they were tired and

retreated into a corner, it was then that Jesus hit them with the knock-out punch.  No one dared to ask him any more questions.

Questions! I have lots of questions.  I ask questions all the time of Jesus. Like a child, I’m on a mission to discover, and I do it by asking questions.  Sometimes, God through his Spirit, reveals to me His answers.  Other times the answers are delayed.  And there are some questions that will not be answered for a long time.  Paul writes, “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” 

1 Corinthians 13:12(NIV)

We are children of God, and as Children we should not be afraid to ask.  But when you do ask, check your motives.  Are you on a mission to discover or entrap?  God is not afraid of our questions.  But if our

motives aren’t pure, we, like the Pharisees and Sadducees, should not dare to ask Him the questions.

Prayer:  Lord, We know that we are finite, and You are infinite.  We are foolish, and You are wise.  We are limited; You are limitless.  Help us to seek answers that only You can provide.  And help us to courageously accept the answers that You give.  Lord, we look forward to a day when we will not dare to ask You any more questions—not because we’ve been outsmarted but because You’ve been fully revealed.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Passion week Revival Monday through Thursday night at 7:00 PM

Join us tonight at as we remember the events of Tuesday on the final week as Jesus faces the cross.  Brandon Caudill will bring our message.

Selfies wanted!

We are putting together a video to celebrate the church.  Please send pictures of your family to Office@pinerbaptist.org 

Food Needed

In order to minister further to our Piner Elementary families, we would like to give them an “Easter” dinner box.  If your family is able, we are asking you to collect the following items and deliver to church by Wednesday, April 8, for delivery by the school resource officer:

Easter Box Items:
Ham (donated and purchased by church-no need for you to purchase)
Bag of Potatoes or Box of Mashed Potatoes
3 Cans of Vegetables
Jar of Applesauce
Dinner Rolls
Dessert – we suggest a baked good from the Kroger bakery
Easter Candy for kids

Jody is asking that we put these items in a box or in paper bags for easier delivery.  Kroger is very generous in giving paper bags.


I want to include our children in this project of helping needy families.  Have them make cards that we can include in these bags of groceries, just to let them know that Piner Baptist is praying for them.