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For this week we will examine the final week of Jesus’ life as Jesus makes His way to Calvary.  A week worth remembering.

And he left them and went out of the city to Bethany, where he spent the night. Early in the morning, as he was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, “May you never bear fruit again!” Immediately the tree withered.” Matt 21:17-19(NIV)

Bethany.  It was Bethany where Lazarus was raised from the dead.  It was Bethany where Mary would anoint Jesus with perfume.  It was Bethany where Jesus chose to go and rest during the last week of His life.  Bethany means literally, “house of unripe figs.” Oh, the hope of unripe figs. 

Early on Monday morning on His way to Jerusalem, Jesus found a tree with no fruit. He cursed the tree, and it died.  The symbolism is plain.  Jerusalem is represented by the fruitless fig tree.  It was green with the appearance of being healthy.  The temple in all its glory was filled with thousands of pilgrims who came for the Passover feast.  But Jerusalem had no fruit. 

Bethany, the small village located just a couple of miles away, had few people living in it, but it was filled with unripe figs.  The tree with no fruit holds little value.  But a tree loaded with unripe figs has the potential for a mighty harvest.

Oh, that God would find in us a bushel of unripe figs about to come into season rather than an empty tree fit to be cursed.

Prayer: Lord of the harvest, bear Your fruit in me.  May you nurture the unripe fruit that is the potential harvest in my life.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.

Passion week Revival Monday through Thursday night at 7:00 PM

Join us tonight at as we remember the events of Monday on the final week as Jesus faces the cross.  Bro. David Wiggins will bring our message.

Selfies wanted!

We are putting together a video to celebrate the church.  Please send pictures of your family to 

Food Needed

In order to minister further to our Piner Elementary families, we would like to give them an “Easter” dinner box.  If your family is able, we are asking you to collect the following items and deliver to church by Wednesday, April 8, for delivery by the school resource officer:

Easter Box Items:
Ham (donated and purchased by church-no need for you to purchase)
Bag of Potatoes or Box of Mashed Potatoes
3 Cans of Vegetables
Jar of Applesauce
Dinner Rolls
Dessert – we suggest a baked good from the Kroger bakery
Easter Candy for kids

Jody is asking that we put these items in a box or in paper bags for easier delivery.  Kroger is very generous in giving paper bags.


I want to include our children in this project of helping needy families.  Have them make cards that we can include in these bags of groceries, just to let them know that Piner Baptist is praying for them.