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Don’t fret the little things!

I just enjoyed a post by one of our members reading a Dr. Seuss book.  He made the video to entertain the kids he misses from church.  After watching the video, I had to ask myself, “Who’s the real ‘kid’?” But I learned a lesson from my friend.  I know that his house is full. I know that he is probably facing more challenges than I am, but I can tell from watching his video that he isn’t worrying.

In the climate we are facing today, there are many questions out there.  How long will this continue?  Will I be allowed to keep working?  Will I or one of my family members get sick?  Will our nation recover?  I could go on, but why?  These are all legitimate questions, but they are all based on unknown speculation.  There is no way to answer any of those questions with absolute certainty. 

Worry is nothing new, but the current situation has led to an increased risk of stress.  Jesus addressed the issue of worry with His disciples.  Jesus was approached by someone asking help getting more of his brother’s inheritance.  Jesus took the opportunity to teach that the things this world considers most important are not nearly as high a priority as what God values. 

Jesus finally says, Luke 12:25–26 (CSB) 25 Can any of you add one moment to his life span by worrying? 26 If then you’re not able to do even a little thing, why worry about the rest? The thing that leaps out at me in this passage today is what Jesus considers a little thing.  The little thing, according to Jesus, is the ability to add time to our lives. 

Jesus points out there is absolutely nothing that man can accomplish by worry that will extend our lives.  But this is a little thing for God.  There is nothing wrong with eating healthy.  No problem with working out to get in shape.  But Jesus says that our obsessive worry will not do a thing to extend our lives by even one single moment. God, however, can extend life as He wills.

As we watch the news and daily updates, we should act responsibly to do everything we can to contribute to the resolution of this crisis. Ultimately, it is God who is in control, and there is nothing that compares to finding our Peace in Him.  Jesus promised, John 14:27 (CSB) 27 “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.”

Isn’t it a great thing to know that with Jesus there is a peace that passes all understanding, and we don’t have to fret over the little things, like life?



Our I.T. team has made some corrections to the Zoom Schedule that was sent out last week.  Look for the new schedule that Amy will send out shortly to know how to connect for Sunday School and our Wednesday night events.

Join us for Worship on Sunday.

At 10 A.M. on Sunday we simulcast our worship on our Website’s Homepage,  Facebook, and You Tube.

I want to remind you that we are continuing to do ministry through our church. The needs of our community are expected to continue to grow. Though we are unable to meet in person, our need for your tithes and offerings continue.  If you would like to give online, visit our website, and click on the giving tab at the top of the page.  Your donation is secure and will be deposited in the church’s account.  If you prefer to mail in a check or drop your offering off at the church office, please continue to do so.

Thanks for your continued provision of food to help feed Piner Elementary families during this time.  Bring your items to the church by Wednesday, so that they can be delivered by Friday.  Jody has requested the following items: Canned Soup and Fruit, Spaghetti and Sauce, Mac & Cheese, Boxed Cereal, Peanut Butter & Jelly, and Crackers.  But any items are appropriate.  We are helping the families of the same 25 children who were involved in the food for thought program.  Jody expects the needs to increase the longer this crisis continues. I hope we will sacrificially give to this vital ministry.  Some of the parents have been laid off, and some are in quarantine.  They need our help. 

I want to include our children in this project of helping needy families.  Have them make cards that we can include in these bags of groceries, just to let them know that Piner Baptist is praying for them.