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Shameless Boldness!

This morning a representative from the school came by to collect the food that had been collected this past week.  Though I was expecting him, I never heard him.  I wondered where he was, so I started checking in the parking lot.  Finally, I went to the fellowship hall and opened the side door.  There he was standing, waiting patiently.  I don’t know how long he’d been standing there; it had been over 10 minutes since I received the text.  “Sorry, I didn’t hear you knock.”  “Well, I didn’t want to bang on the door,” he answered.  “Go ahead, bang on the door,” I said. 

Jesus had just been asked to teach the disciples how to pray. Jesus then taught them what is commonly called the Lord’s Prayer.  After teaching them those words He then taught them “HOW” to pray.  He used a story of a man begging his neighbor for some help feeding an unexpected guest in the middle of the night.

As the neighbor refuses, Jesus speaks of the man’s persistence,  Luke 11:8–10 (CSB) 8” I tell you, even though he won’t get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his friend’s shameless boldness, he will get up and give him as much as he needs. “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Jesus uses a term here to describe the man’s tenacity. The word shameless in the Greek means, “lack of proper restraint or consideration, intemperateness.” Another lexicon describes it this way, “persistence; boldness.” The CSB uses two words to try and capture the full meaning of this word. 

Jesus commands His disciples to ask, seek, and knock in their prayers.  These are directions Jesus gives us to be doing daily.  Just as the man in the parable persisted till he got the help he needed, we need to keep asking, seeking, and knocking till we get clarity from God.  And the good news is Jesus promises that when we pray this way, we will receive answers; we will find direction, and God will open doors.

In these desperate times for our nation and our world, the most powerful thing we can do is pray.  God isn’t hard of hearing.  And He is waiting for our prayers.  But He expects us to be persistent as we approach Him on our knees. 

What is it that you need? Keep asking.  How do you need God’s direction in your life? Keep seeking.  What doors are you hoping God will open for you to minister to your neighbors, friends, and community?  Keep knocking!  Maybe God is just waiting for us to BANG ON THE DOOR!



Amy sent out an e-mail today with the schedule for the Sunday Schools and when and where on zoom they will be meeting.  The young couple’s class will be meeting on Sunday nights at 8:30. Contact Nathan Gilbert for more information about that class. If your class is not on the list, you can choose another class.  If you did not get an email, contact Bro. Mark and he will secure the information for you.

Join us for Worship on Sunday.

At 10 A.M. on Sunday we simulcast our worship on our Website’s Homepage,  Facebook, and You Tube.

I want to remind you that we are continuing to do ministry through our church. The needs of our community are expected to continue to grow. Though we are unable to meet in person, our need for your tithes and offerings continue.  If you would like to give online, visit our website, and click on the giving tab at the top of the page.  Your donation is secure and will be deposited in the church’s account.

Thanks for your continued provision of food to help feed Piner Elementary families during this time.  Bring your items to the church by Wednesday, so that they can be delivered by Friday.  Jody has requested the following items: Canned Soup and Fruit, Spaghetti and Sauce, Mac & Cheese, Boxed Cereal, Peanut Butter & Jelly, and Crackers.  But any items are appropriate.  We are helping the families of the same 25 children who were involved in the food for thought program.  Jody expects the needs to increase the longer this crisis continues. I hope we will sacrificially give to this vital ministry.  Some of the parents have been laid off, and some are in quarantine.  They need our help. 

I want to include our children in this project of helping needy families.  Have them write cards that we can include in these bags of groceries, just to let them know that Piner Baptist is praying for them.