In the eighth chapter of Luke, Luke decides to discuss the preaching and teaching ministry of Jesus. Throughout the chapter Luke includes stories of things that happen as he travels through the region from to town to town. One of the stories he includes focusses on the disciples. Luke 8:22
One day he and his disciples got into a boat, and he told them, “Let’s cross over to the other side of the lake.” So they set out.” This is one of my favorite stories about Jesus because here on the boat he teaches us so many important lessons. Today I want to focus on one little word that we often pass over, “Let’s ”.
When I was in college, my dad would occasionally come to town. He would come to the Baptist Student Center where my sister and I would spend most of our time. I got to where I looked forward to those days when he might come to our city as a traveling salesman–usually every other week on a Tuesday. This was before the age of cell phones and internet. I would spend my afternoon there hoping that my dad would show up. When I’d see him walking past the window, I would jump up like a toddler welcoming his dad home from work. Then my dad would say, “Let’s go get some supper.” Those were welcome words to a poor college student. My roommate started hanging out with me on those days, just so he could get invited too.
When I heard that word, “Let’s” several things instantly flowed through my mind. I was going to enjoy the presence of my father. I loved my dad greatly and valued any time I had with him. I was going to eat a nice meal for free. Dad usually took us out to someplace that was better than the burger or taco from the nearest fast food chain. And finally, I knew it was going to be a good day. A special day with my father always turned out well. That was true till the day he died.
As the disciples headed off across the Sea of Galilee, the disciples were confident in their ability. Remember, a boat was where many of them had made their living before leaving to follow Jesus. Jesus lay down and fell asleep as Peter said, “I got this, Jesus; you take it easy.” Then a sudden storm so common to that area whipped up in the middle of the night, and they were in fear for their lives. Because they forgot the “Let’s”.
Perhaps they didn’t fully understand who Jesus was. Maybe they forgot the full statement “Let’s cross over to the other side.” Tony Evans points out that that was a guarantee they would get to the other side. Or maybe the were relying on the “Us” in the boat rather than the “Let’s” in the boat. In this case, more was definitely less.
As they cried out to Jesus, He awoke, rebuked the wind and the waves, and then rebuked the disciples, Luke 8:25 He said to them, “Where is your faith?” They were fearful and amazed, asking one another, “Who then is this? He commands even the winds and the waves, and they obey him!”
Jesus proved on that boat that He was God incarnate. Psalms 89 states that it is God who controls the raging of the sea. When you are with God, you have the joy of His presence, the promise of His provision, and the peace of His strength.
As we navigate the storm of this present crisis, remember it’s not just you, it’s not even us; it is us with HIM. Remember the one who stills the storm is the one who will bring all His followers safely to the other shore. Find your comfort in the “Let’s” of His presence.
I want to thank those of you who have continued to support our church with your offerings and tithes during this crisis. The longer this crisis continues, the greater the needs in our community will become. If you would like to give online, visit our website, and click on the giving tab at the top of the page. Your donation is secure and will be deposited in the church’s account.
Thanks for your continued provision of food to help feed Piner Elementary families during this time. Bring your items to the church by Wednesday, so that they can be delivered by Friday. Jody has requested the following items: Canned Soup and Fruit, Spaghetti and Sauce, Mac & Cheese, Boxed Cereal, Peanut Butter & Jelly, and Crackers. Your response has been wonderful.
The Food for Thought ministry for Piner Elementary continues. We are collecting nonperishable food items for children whose needs have only increased during this recent crisis: Apple sauce, juice boxes pudding, pop tarts, cereal bars, etc. Make sure there are no peanuts in any donations. Thanks for your support of the children in our community.
Wednesday night we will be having a zoom prayer meeting for those wanting to join us. Please e-mail Bro. Mark if you would like an invitation to join us: We are working out details for the youth and college classes. Our children’s workers are looking into other alternatives to continue helping parents with the discipleship of their children.